Your AI integration journey begins with exploring what is possible with the latest AI advances.

In this phase, we focus on three core services:


Change management is essential to delivering business value from AI adoption.

Vamos helps your organisation to become AI-ready.

  • Building on the opportunity exploration, we work with your leadership and business teams to help you develop a comprehensive AI strategy that is aligned with your corporate objectives.

    We also help you with comms and change management planning, to ensure that everyone in your business understands your plans for AI, and how they stand to benefit from them.

  • We provide foundational training to your employees, ensuring that they understand how these new AI tools work - including their strengths and weaknesses.

    Your teams will be able to carefully apply AI in their day-to-day work, while avoiding some of the typical pitfalls that come from lack of understanding of AI.

  • We work closely with teams across your organisation - IT, legal, data privacy and information security - to help you establish a robust AI governance framework, ensuring your AI deployments are ethical, safe and effective.


We work closely with you to design AI integrations that are aligned with your architecture and operational requirements.

  • We work with your IT team to review your existing deployment architecture, to ensure that the solutions we design and develop will integrate seamlessly with your current systems.

  • We prepare detailed integration designs, focusing on the highest value business process automations, accompanied by an explanation of the future-state user journey, and the projected efficiency gains.

  • We engage with your business and IT teams to review and refine the integration designs and user journeys, and ensure the proposed integration architecture aligns with your standard deployment model, including security and scalability considerations.


  • The AI landscape is changing constantly, with new models and new techniques coming out every week. We brief you on the latest advances, and how these can be effectively applied to business use cases.

    We will outline the core components of an effective AI strategy, including use case identification, IT planning and organisation, and training and change management.

  • The AI regulatory and governance landscape is moving just as fast as the technology.

    We update you on the latest developments in global AI regulation, and provide concrete guidance on how to develop an effective governance model for the application of AI in your organisation.

  • Now that you have a solid grounding in the technology, strategy and governance aspects of AI, we work with you to explore the highest value opportunities for the application of AI in your business.

    We know that not every use case requires AI - we work closely with your business teams to identify the processes where intelligent automation could genuinely make a dramatic difference to your operational efficiency.

We rapidly and iteratively build out specialised AI integrations for your business, shaped directly by user feedback on the value delivered.

  • We build rapidly and iteratively. We’ll get a working prototype in your hands as soon as humanly possible, so that you and your teams can begin providing feedback.

    The feedback we gain from this hands-on testing will also inform the automated tests and evaluations that we put in place, to ensure that the solution continues to meet your standards and expectations as it is further developed and upgraded.

  • Following on from the early testing, it’s time for a controlled production launch to a select group of users, enabling A/B testing to validate the effectiveness and assess the ROI.

    Based on initial responses from the business teams, we refine the application and progressively expand user access, as well as providing targeted training to enhance user proficiency.

  • As your teams become more comfortable and proficient in using the new intelligent automations to complete their daily tasks, they will start to ask what else is possible - and this is where you have the opportunity to build on your success, to expand and enhance the AI capabilities you provide to your business.


Take our AI Journey Evaluation questionnaire to discover which of our four AI implementation stages aligns with your organisation’s current progress.

And find out how Vamos can help you advance to the next level and fully leverage AI in your operations.


Let’s chat.